October 22

Lazyjack 1.3.2 New Features

Several new capabilities have been added to Lazyjack recently:

  • Supports IPv4 only mode, so clusters can be created with IPv4 addresses.
  • The kubeadm.conf file generated will use templates that are version specific. This allows easier customizing of the configuration easily. Supports Kuberenetes 1.10-1.13, although experiencing some issues using the alpha 1.13 setup.
  • Clusters can be configured for insecure mode, where init is not needed, and the config YAML file doesn’t have to be copied over to minions (as it is not updated with a token). This makes it easier to start up a cluster, by just running the prepare and up steps.

Time permitting, I hope to add dual stack capabilities.


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Posted October 22, 2018 by pcm in category "bare-metal", "Kubernetes