LENS gives you a way to look at numerous things in your cluster. It consists of the OpenLENS repository, with the core libraries developed by Team LENS and the community. There are other (some commercial) tools, like the IDE, which are built on top of OpenLENS. There are binaries of free OpenLENS product and the easiest way on the Mac is to use brew to install:
brew install --cask openlens
You can then run the app and connect to your Kubernetes cluster, by clicking on the “Browse Clusters In The Catalog” button on the home screen. It will show credentials from your ~/.kube directory, and since we installed a cluster and copied over the config to ~/.kube/config, you should see that listed.
You’ll be able to see a summary of the cluster (CPU, memory, pods), along with a list of resources that you can select on the left side of the window:
There are items to view the nodes, pods, secrets, network services, persistent volume claims, Helm charts, cluster roles, custom resource definitions (CRDs), etc. Clicking on an item will allow you to see all the details, and give you the ability to edit the item.
For example, here is part of the screen for the Loki service:
Showing you labels, annotations, IP info, and access info for the service. You can click on the ports link, to access the service.
Here is the Prometheus Helm chart:
It shows the version and a description. If you were to scroll down, you can see information about the Prometheus Helm repo, and how to install, uninstall, and upgrade the chart.
If you were to check on the Helm Releases, and pick an item, like Prometheus shown below, you can see all the settings:
In summary, LENS gives you a bunch of visibility into the cluster, from one point.
FYI, the Github page for OpenLENS mentions that after 6.3.0, some extensions are not included, but that you can go to the extensions menu and enter in “@alebcay/openlens-node-pod-menu” and install those extensions. I did that and the status of the extensions flipped between enable/disable for quite a while. I exited the app, restarted, and then went to extensions and Enabled this extension.
After, I did see that when I viewed a node, and selected a pod, the menu that allows you to edit and delete the pod, now also has buttons that allow you to attach to the log (didn’t seem to work), shell into log, and view the logs for the containers in the pod. Pretty handy features.
Category: Kubernetes |
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In lieu of having a physical load balancer, this cluster will use MetalLB as a load balancer. In my network, I have a block of IP addresses reserved for DHCP, and picked a range of IPs to use for load balancer IPs in the cluster.
The first thing to do, is to get the latest release of MetalLB:
Obtain the version, install it, and wait for everything to come up:
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/metallb/metallb/v${MetalLB_RTAG}/config/manifests/metallb-native.yaml -O metallb-native-${MetalLB_RTAG}.yaml
kubectl apply -f metallb-native-${MetalLB_RTAG}.yaml
kubectl get pods -n metallb-system --watch
kubectl get all -n metallb-system
Everything should be running, but needs to be configured for this cluster. Specifically, we need to setup and advertise the address pool(s), which can be a CIDR, address range, and IPv4 and/or IPv6 addresses. For our case, I’m reserving – for load balancer IPs and using L2 advertisement (ipaddress_pool.yaml):
Apply this configuration, and examine the configuration:
kubectl apply -f ipaddress_pools.yaml
ipaddresspool.metallb.io/production created
l2advertisement.metallb.io/l2-advert created
kubectl get ipaddresspools.metallb.io -n metallb-system
production true false [""]
kubectl get l2advertisements.metallb.io -n metallb-system
kubectl describe ipaddresspools.metallb.io production -n metallb-system
Name: production
Namespace: metallb-system
Labels: <none>
Annotations: <none>
API Version: metallb.io/v1beta1
Kind: IPAddressPool
Creation Timestamp: 2024-01-17T19:05:29Z
Generation: 1
Resource Version: 3648847
UID: 38491c8a-fdc1-47eb-9299-0f6626845e82
Auto Assign: true
Avoid Buggy I Ps: false
Events: <none>
Note: if you don’t want IP addresses auto-assigned, you can add the clause “autoAssign: false”, to the “spec:” section of the IPAddressPool.
To use the load balancer, you can change the type under the “spec:” section from ClusterIP or NodePort to LoadBalancer, by editing the configuration. For example, to change Grafana from NodePort to LoadBalancer, one would use the following to edit the configuration:
When you show the service, you’ll see the load balancer IP that was assigned:
kubectl get svc -n monitoring prometheusstack-grafana
prometheusstack-grafana LoadBalancer 80:32589/TCP 5d23h
Here is a sample deployment (web-demo-test.yaml) to try. IUt has the LoadBalancer type specified:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Namespace
name: web
apiVersion: apps/v1
kind: Deployment
name: web-server
namespace: web
app: web
app: web
- name: httpd
image: httpd:alpine
- containerPort: 80
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: web-server-service
namespace: web
app: web
- protocol: TCP
port: 80
targetPort: 80
type: LoadBalancer
Apply the configuration and check the IP address:
kubectl apply -f web-app-demo.yaml
kubectl get svc -n web
From the command line, you can do “curl http://IP_ADDRESS” to make sure it works. If you want a specific IP address, you can change the above web-app-demo.yaml to add the following line after the type (note the same indentation level):
type: LoadBalancer
Uninstalling MetalLB
Before removing MetalLB, you should change any services that are using it, to go back to NodePort or ClusterIP as the type. Then, delete the configuration:
With Load Balancer setup and running, we’ll create an Ingress controller using NGINX. You can view the compatibility chart here to select the NGINX version desired. For our purposes, we’ll use helm chart install, so that we have sources and can delete/update CRDs. I’m currently running Kubernetes 1.28, so either 1.02 or 1.1.2 of the Helm Chart. Let’s pull the charts for 1.1.2:
cd ~/workspace/picluster/
helm pull oci://ghcr.io/nginxinc/charts/nginx-ingress --untar --version 1.1.2
cd nginx-ingress
Install NGINX Ingress with:
helm install my-nginx --create-namespace -n nginx-ingress .
NAME: my-nginx
LAST DEPLOYED: Fri Jan 19 11:14:16 2024
NAMESPACE: nginx-ingress
STATUS: deployed
The NGINX Ingress Controller has been installed.
If you want to customize settings, you can add the “–values values.yaml” argument, after first getting the list of options using the following command, and then modifying them:
helm show values ingress-nginx --repo https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx > values.yaml
The NGINX service will have an external IP address, as the type is LoadBalancer, and MetalLB will assign an address from the pool (note: you can specify an IP to use in values.yaml).
Wait for everything to come up with either of these:
kubectl --namespace monitoring get pods -l "release=prometheusstack"
kubectl get all -n monitoring
At this point, you can look at the Longhorn console, and see that there is a 50GB volume created for Prometheus/Grafana. As with any Helm install, you can get the values used for the chart with the following command and then do a helm update with the -f option and the updated yaml file:
helm show values prometheus-community/kube-prometheus-stack > values.yaml
Next, change the Grafana UI from ClusterIP to NodePort (or LoadBalancer, if you have set that up):
From a browser, you can use a node port IP and the port shown in the service output to access the UI and log in with the credentials you created in the above steps:
service/alertmanager-operated ClusterIP None <none> 9093/TCP,9094/TCP,9094/UDP 5m34s
service/prometheus-operated ClusterIP None <none> 9090/TCP 5m33s
service/prometheusstack-grafana NodePort <none> 80:32589/TCP 5m44s
For example, “” in this example. There will already be a data source set up for Prometheus, and you can use this to examine the cluster. Under Dashboards, there are some predefined dashboards, and you can also make your own and obtain others and import them.
I found this one, from David Calvert (https://github.com/dotdc/grafana-dashboards-kubernetes.git), with some nice dashboards for nodes, pods, etc. I cloned the repo to my monitoring directory, and then from the Grafana UI, clicked on the plus sign at the top of the main Grafana page and selected “Import Dashboard”, clicked on the dag/drop pane, navigated to one of the dashboard json files – the k8s-views-global.json is nice, selected the predefined “Prometheus” data source, and clicked “Import”. This gives a screen with info on the nodes, network, etc.
TODO: Setting up Prometheus to use HTTPS only.
For log aggregation, we can install Loki, persisting information to longhorn. I must admit, I struggled getting this working and, although repeatable, there may be better ways to get this working:
You can check the monitoring namespace, to wait for the promtail pods to be running on each node. Once running, you can access the Grafana UI and create a new datasource, selecting the type “Loki”. For the URL, use “http://loki:3100” and click save and test. I’m not sure why the Helm install didn’t automatically create the source, and why this manual source creation fails on the “test” part of the save and test, but the source is now there and seems to work.
To use, you can go to the Explore section, and provide a query. With the “builder” (default query mode), you can select the label type (e.g. “pod”) and then the instance you are interested in. You can also change from “builder” to “code” and enter this as the query and run the query:
{stream=”stderr”} |= `level=error`
This will show error logs from all nodes. For example (clicking on “>” symbol at left to expand entry to show the fields:
Another query that reports errors over a period of five minutes is:
UPDATE 1/28/2025: With a recent reinstall attempt, I was seeing an error with the loki pod in crash loop. I found out two things. First, it doesn’t look like the loki-stack install specifies an image version, and there can be a compatibility issue with Grafana. I looked tags on the loki-stack Github page, and tried the install with the latest version, by adding the argument:
--set 'image.tag=2.10.2'
This worked for me. The second is that I read that the loki-stack Helm chart is no longer supported and deprecated, and there was suggestions to use the newer Loki installer page, which has three versions – monolith for small scale testing, simple scalable for small to moderate sized clusters, and microservices for larger enterprise style clusters.
The issue is (to me) that it seems like Loki is designed to be used with cloud storage systems or, in the case of the small setups, with MinIO local filesystem S3 storage. It is also much more complex (and I guess flexible) with configurable replicas for various components.
I gave it a try and had issues with the gateway and chunks cache pods not coming up. There was some mention about Loki being designed for use with kube-dns and not the newer CoreDNS that Kubernetes uses. I gave up, and decided, for now, not to try to figure out how I could use it with Longhorn storage, like I have with loki-stack.
Customizing Logging Aggregation
You can customize the promtail pod’s configuration file so that you can do queries on custom labels, instead of searching for specific text in log messages. To do that, we first obtain the promtail configuration:
cd ~/workspace/picluster/monitoring
kubectl get secret -n monitoring loki-promtail -o jsonpath="{.data.promtail\.yaml}" | base64 --decode > promtail.yaml
Edit this file, and under the “scrape_configs” section, you will see “pipeline_stages”:
# See also https://github.com/grafana/loki/blob/master/production/ksonnet/promtail/scrape_config.libsonnet for reference
- job_name: kubernetes-pods
- cri: {}
We will add a new stage called “- match”, under the “- cri:” line. To do the matching for a app called “api” we use TODO: Have a app with JSON and then describe the process. Use https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=O52dseg2bJo&list=TLPQMjkxMTIwMjOvWB8m2JEG4Q&index=7 for reference.
To remove Prometheus and Grafana you must remove several CRDs,helm uninstall, and remove the secret:
We will use Velero to perform full or partial backup and restore of the cluster and will use Minio to provide a local S3 storage areas on another computer on the network (I just used my Mac laptop, but you could use a server or multiple servers instead), to be able to do scheduled backups with Velero.
On the Mac, you can use brew to install Minio and the Minio client (mc):
Create an area for data storage and an area for Minio:
cd ~/workspace/picluster
poetry shell
cd mkdir -p ~/workspace/minio-data
mkdir -p ~/workspace/picluster/minio
In the ~/workspace/picluster/minio/minio.cfg create this file with the user/password desired(default is minioadmin/minioadmin) and host name (or IP) where server will run (in this example, I use my laptop name):
# MINIO_ROOT_USER and MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD sets the root account for the MinIO server.
# This user has unrestricted permissions to perform S3 and administrative API operations on any resource in the deployment.
# Omit to use the default values 'minioadmin:minioadmin'.
# MinIO recommends setting non-default values as a best practice, regardless of environment
# MINIO_VOLUMES sets the storage volume or path to use for the MinIO server.
# MINIO_SERVER_URL sets the hostname of the local machine for use with the MinIO Server
# MinIO assumes your network control plane can correctly resolve this hostname to the local machine
# Uncomment the following line and replace the value with the correct hostname for the local machine and port for the MinIO server (9000 by default).
Note: There is no way to change the user/password, from the console later.
Create a minio-credentials file with the same user name and password as was done in the minio.cfg file:
aws_access_key_id = minime
aws_secret_access_key = SAME_PASSWORD_AS_ABOVE
I did “chmod 700” for both minio.cfg and minio-credentials.
Next, create a script(minio-server-start) to start up Minio with the desired settings:
export MINIO_CONFIG_ENV_FILE=./minio.cfg
minio server --console-address :9090 &
When you run this script, it will output will indicate a warning that the local host has all the data and a failure will cause loss of data (duh). It will show the URL for API (port 9000) and console (port 9090), along with the username and password to access. Near the bottom, it will show you an alias command that you should copy and paste. It names the server and provides credentials info. It looks like:
mc alias set 'myminio' 'http://trinity.home:9000' 'minime' 'THE_PASSWORD_FROM CONFIG'
Then do the following to make sure that the server is running the latest code:
mc admin update myminio
In your browser, go to the URL and log in with the username/password. Under Administrator -> Buckets menu on the left panel, create a bucket called “kubernetes”. I haven’t tried, but you can turn on versioning, object locking, and quota.
For the Mac, use brew to install Velero and either note the version or check with the list command (in my case it has 1.12.3):
brew install velero
brew list velero
You can check compatibility of the Velero version you have and the kubernetes version running (and adjust the version used by brew, if needed). The matrix is here. (Optionally) Pull the Velero sources from git, so that we can use examples and have documentation:
cd ~/workspace/picluster
git clone https://github.com/vmware-tanzu/velero.git
cd velero
In the README.md, it will have version compatibility info.
It indicates that velero 1.12.x works with Kubernetes 1.27.3 and 1.13.x with Kubernetes 1.28.3. We have 1.28 Kubernetes, but there is no brew version for Velero 1.13 right now, so we’ll hope 1.12.3 Velero works.
We need the Velero plugin for AWS. The plugins are shown here. For Velero 1.12.x, we need AWS plugin 1.8.x. The plugin tags show that v1.8.2 is the latest.
Next, start up Velero, specifying the plugin version to use, the bucket name you created in Minio (“kubernetes”), the credentials file, Minio as the S3 storage, and the Minio API URL (your host name with port 9000):
It will display that Velero is installed and that you can use “kubectl logs deployment/velero -n velero” to see the status.
Check that the backup location is available with:
velero backup-location get
default aws kubernetes Available 2024-01-16 13:15:52 -0500 EST ReadWrite true
If you have the Velero git repo pulled, as mentioned above, you can start an example:
cd ~/workspace/picluster/velero
kubectl apply -f examples/nginx-app/base.yaml
kubectl get all -n nginx-example
pod/nginx-deployment-75b696dc55-25d6r 1/1 Running 0 66s
pod/nginx-deployment-75b696dc55-7h5zx 1/1 Running 0 66s
service/my-nginx LoadBalancer <pending> 80:30270/TCP 66s
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment 2/2 2 2 66s
replicaset.apps/nginx-deployment-75b696dc55 2 2 2 66s
You should see the deployment running (Note: there is no external IP, as I don’t have a load balancer running right now). If you want to just backup this application, you can do:
velero backup create nginx-backup --selector app=nginx
velero backup get
nginx-backup Completed 0 0 2024-01-16 13:22:53 -0500 EST 29d default app=nginx
velero backup describe nginx-backup
velero backup logs nginx-backup
If you look at the “kubernetes” bucket from the Minio console, you’ll see the backup files there. Now, we can delete the application and then restore it…
kubectl delete namespace nginx-example
kubectl get all -n nginx-example
No resources found in nginx-example namespace.
velero restore create --from-backup nginx-backup
Restore request "nginx-backup-20240116132642" submitted successfully.
Run `velero restore describe nginx-backup-20240116132642` or `velero restore logs nginx-backup-20240116132642` for more details.
(picluster-py3.11) pcm@trinity:~/workspace/picluster/velero$ kubectl get all -n nginx-example
pod/nginx-deployment-75b696dc55-25d6r 1/1 Running 0 3s
pod/nginx-deployment-75b696dc55-7h5zx 1/1 Running 0 3s
service/my-nginx LoadBalancer <pending> 80:31834/TCP 3s
deployment.apps/nginx-deployment 2/2 2 2 2s
replicaset.apps/nginx-deployment-75b696dc55 2 2 2 3s
You can backup the full cluster with “velero backup create FULL_BACKUP-2024-01-17”, using a name to denote the backup. You can use “velero backup get” to see a list of backups, and “velero restore get” to see a list of restores. You can even schedule backups with a command, like the following:
Lastly, you can delete the “kubernetes” bucket from the Minio console, and kill the Minio process.
Side Bar
I did have a problem at one point (may have been due to an older Minio version), where I deleted a backup from Velero, and it later re-appeared when doing “velero backup get”. I looked at operations with “mc admin trace myminio” and saw that requests were coming into Minio to remove the backup from my “myminio” server, but the bucket was NOT being removed. Velero would later sync with Minio, see the backup and show that it was still there on a later “velero backup get” command.
I found that the following would remove the bucket and everything under:
mc rm --recursive kubernetes --force --dangerous
There is also a “mc rb” command to remove the bucket (have not tried), or an individual backup can be removed with “mc rm RELATIVE/PATH/FROM/BUCKET”, like “kubernetes/backups/nginx-backup” and “kubernetes/restores/nginx-backup-20231205150432”. I think I tried doing it from the Minio UI, but the files were not removed. My guess is that it does an API request to remove the file, just like what Velero does, whereas the command line seems to remove the file.
There are many shared storage products available for Kubernetes. I had settled on Longhorn, as it provides block storage, is pretty easy to setup, has snapshots, is distributed, and allows backup to secondary storage (I plan on using NFS to backup to a NAS box that I have on my network). As of this writing, the latest is 1.5.3 (https://longhorn.io/).
With the 1TB SSD drives on each Raspberry PI, and the /dev/sda7 partition, mounted as /var/lib/longhorn, the RPIs can be prepared for Longhorn. There is a script that can be used to see if all the dependencies have been met on the nodes. For 1.5.3 run:
You should make sure that the longhorn-iscsi-installation pods are running on all nodes. In my case, one was not, and the log for the iscsi-installation container was saying that module iscsi_tcp was not present. For that, I did the following:
In my run, I had a node, apoc, with missing package:
[INFO] Required dependencies 'kubectl jq mktemp sort printf' are installed.
[INFO] All nodes have unique hostnames.
[INFO] Waiting for longhorn-environment-check pods to become ready (0/5)...
[INFO] Waiting for longhorn-environment-check pods to become ready (0/5)...
[INFO] All longhorn-environment-check pods are ready (5/5).
[INFO] MountPropagation is enabled
[INFO] Checking kernel release...
[INFO] Checking iscsid...
[INFO] Checking multipathd...
[INFO] Checking packages...
[ERROR] nfs-common is not found in apoc.
[INFO] Checking nfs client...
[INFO] Cleaning up longhorn-environment-check pods...
[INFO] Cleanup completed.
I did a “sudo apt install nfs-common -y” on that node. Since then, I’ve added that to the RPI tools setup in Part IV, so that it’ll be there. Re-run the script to make sure that all the nodes are ready for install.
Helm has already been installed on my Mac, so we can obtain Longhorn with:
This will allow you to access the UI by using any node’s IP, and when Longhorn is brought down, the files in block storage are retained.
We also need to set tolerations for the manager, UI, and driver. There are instructions in the values.yaml file where you remove the square brackets and un-comment the toleration settings. If you don’t do this, the longhorn-driver-deployment pod will never get out of Init state. Diffs for just the tolerations will look like:
--- a/longhorn/values-1.5.3.yaml
+++ b/longhorn/values-1.5.3.yaml
@@ -182,13 +182,13 @@ longhornManager:
## Allowed values are `plain` or `json`.
format: plain
priorityClass: ~
- tolerations: []
+ tolerations:
## If you want to set tolerations for Longhorn Manager DaemonSet, delete the `[]` in the line above
## and uncomment this example block
- # - key: "key"
- # operator: "Equal"
- # value: "value"
- # effect: "NoSchedule"
+ - key: "key"
+ operator: "Equal"
+ value: "value"
+ effect: "NoSchedule"
nodeSelector: {}
## If you want to set node selector for Longhorn Manager DaemonSet, delete the `{}` in the line above
## and uncomment this example block
@@ -202,13 +202,13 @@ longhornManager:
priorityClass: ~
- tolerations: []
+ tolerations:
## If you want to set tolerations for Longhorn Driver Deployer Deployment, delete the `[]` in the line above
## and uncomment this example block
- # - key: "key"
- # operator: "Equal"
- # value: "value"
- # effect: "NoSchedule"
+ - key: "key"
+ operator: "Equal"
+ value: "value"
+ effect: "NoSchedule"
nodeSelector: {}
## If you want to set node selector for Longhorn Driver Deployer Deployment, delete the `{}` in the line above
## and uncomment this example block
@@ -218,13 +218,13 @@ longhornDriver:
replicas: 2
priorityClass: ~
- tolerations: []
+ tolerations:
## If you want to set tolerations for Longhorn UI Deployment, delete the `[]` in the line above
## and uncomment this example block
- # - key: "key"
- # operator: "Equal"
- # value: "value"
- # effect: "NoSchedule"
+ - key: "key"
+ operator: "Equal"
+ value: "value"
+ effect: "NoSchedule"
nodeSelector: {}
## If you want to set node selector for Longhorn UI Deployment, delete the `{}` in the line above
## and uncomment this example block
Install Longhorn with the updated values and monitor the namespace until you see that everything is up:
helm install longhorn longhorn/longhorn --namespace longhorn-system --create-namespace --version 1.5.3 --values values-1.5.3.yaml
kubectl get all -n longhorn-system
Use “kubectl get service -n longhorn-system” to find the port for the frontend service, and then with a browser you can access the UI using one of the node’s IPs and the port. For example,, on one run that I did.
You can see and manage volumes, view the total amount of disk space and what is scheduled, and see the nodes being used and their state.
Creating Persistent Volume Claim Using Longhorn as Storage
As an example, we can create a PVC that uses Longhorn for storage:
This specifies the PVC “myclaim”, and you can see that there is a PV created that uses the PVC, has reclaim policy of retain, and uses the longhorn storage class:
kubectl get pv
pvc-89456753-e271-46a0-b8c0-9e53affc4c6b 2Gi RWX Retain Bound default/myclaim longhorn 4m35s
Bonus Points
You can setup a backup for the Longhorn storage. In my case, I have a NAS box that is accessible via NFS.
The first step is to create a share area on the device. You can follow whatever instructions youhave for creating a NFS share.
On my NAS (using GUI console), I created a share at /longhorn, with R/W access for my account (I’m in the “administ” group, BTW) and “no squash users” set. I set the IP range to, so only nodes from network can access this share. I made sure that the shared area exists, has 777 perms, user/group set to admin. NOTE: Is is actually at /share/CACHEDEV1_DATA/longhorn and there is a symlink at /share/longhorn. I created a subdirectory called “backups” in this area (so there can be other sub-directories for other shares, if desired).
I checked that it appears under /etc/exports with the subnet called out and the settings desired:
Under the Longhorn UI (accessible via NodePort), go to Settings, and in the Backup Target, set the path to the NFS share and click the SAVE button at the bottom of the page:
Once you have created a volume and it is attached to a node, you can do a backup or take a snapshot. Form the Volume section, click on the name of a volume to bring up details, and then you can click on “Take Snapshot” or “Create Backup”. You can go back to older versions of snapshots, by detaching volume and attaching with maintenance checked. From the snapshot, you can check revert and then detach and re-attach w/o maintenance. Once healthy, you can see that the snapshot is there.
To remove Longhorn, you must set a flag to allow deletion, before removing: