March 20

Kubernetes and Contiv on Bare-Metal with L3/BGP

Building on the previous blog of running Kubernetes with Contiv on bare-metal (, I’m trying to do this with L3/BGP. To do this, an upstream router will be used to act as a BGP route reflector. In my case, I’m using a Cisco Nexus 9

Preparing Hosts

From CIMC on each UCS box, I created another pair of VNICs, setup in access mode, with a VLAN (3290) that is within the allowed VLANs for the port-channel on the Top of Rack (ToR) switch.

From CentOS, I created another pair of interfaces (b0 and b1), and a bonded interface (b). I verified that the MACs on the slave interfaces matched the MACs on the VNICs created in CIMC.

Note: if you still have the “t” interface (with slaves t0 and t1, which are associated with trunk veths) from the blog entry for using Contiv with L2 interfaces, you need to disable that interface, as only one uplink is supported. I changed “ONBOOT = no” in /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-t.


Preparing the ToR Switch

On the ToR switch, BGP should be set up. In my case, I have a pair of Cisco Nexus 9Ks, which have port-channels for each of the nodes (using bonded interfaces on the nodes). There is an allowed VLAN on the port channels (3290) that will be used for L3/BGP. First the needed features were enabled and a VRF was created (used on one N9K and on the other):

feature interface-vlan
feature bgp
vrf context contiv
  address-family ipv4 unicast


Then, the BGP AS was created and neighbors defined. My three nodes neighbor addresses will be The router ID on one N9K is and on the other (these two are used for the bonded interfaces).

router bgp 65000
  address-family ipv4 unicast
  vrf conti
      remote-as 65000
      address-family ipv4 unicast
      remote-as 65000
      address-family ipv4 unicast
      remote-as 65000
      address-family ipv4 unicast


Lastly, an interface VLAN was defined on each N9K (again with different IP on each):

interface Vlan3290
  no shutdown
  vrf member contiv
  no ip redirects
  ip address
  no ipv6 redirects


Starting Up Kubernetes

Following the previous blogs notes, on the master node, I started up Kubernetes with:

kubeadm init --api-advertise-addresses= --use-kubernetes-version v1.4.7 --service-cidr
kubectl taint nodes --all dedicated-
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide


Be sure to save the join command, so that other nodes can be added later. All the pods, except for DNS, should be running.


Starting Up Contiv plugin

For this step, we use a newer version of the Contiv netplugin and we tweak the to fix a minor problem, until a newer release is pushed. Follow the normal process to obtain the plugin installer:

export VERSION=1.0.0-beta.3
curl -L -O$VERSION/contiv-$VERSION.tgz
tar xf contiv-$VERSION.tgz


Then, modify install/k8s/contiv.yaml to change the netplugin and netmaster container’s image line from “contiv/netplugin:1.0.0-beta.3” to “contiv/netplugin:1.0.0-beta.3-03-08-2017.18-51-20.UTC”. If you are tearing down a previous setup, and rebuilding, you may also want to add “- -x” to the “args:” section of the “name: contiv-netplugin” container section, so that any OVS bridges from previous runs are removed, before starting a new install. Here are diffs, for both changes:

cd ~/contiv/contiv-$VERSION/install/k8s
*** contiv.yaml.orig    2017-03-13 12:26:53.397292278 +0000
--- contiv.yaml 2017-03-13 12:46:16.548371216 +0000
*** 25,33 ****
          # container programs network policy and routes on each
          # host.
          - name: contiv-netplugin
!           image: contiv/netplugin:1.0.0-beta.3
              - -pkubernetes
              - name: VLAN_IF
                value: __VLAN_IF__
--- 25,34 ----
          # container programs network policy and routes on each
          # host.
          - name: contiv-netplugin
!           image: contiv/netplugin:1.0.0-beta.3-03-08-2017.18-51-20.UTC
              - -pkubernetes
+             - -x
              - name: VLAN_IF
                value: __VLAN_IF__
*** 139,145 ****
        hostPID: true
          - name: contiv-netmaster
!           image: contiv/netplugin:1.0.0-beta.3
              - -m
              - -pkubernetes
--- 140,146 ----
        hostPID: true
          - name: contiv-netmaster
!           image: contiv/netplugin:1.0.0-beta.3-03-08-2017.18-51-20.UTC
              - -m
              - -pkubernetes



Then, modify in the same area, to remove the “./” from the netctl command that is setting the forwarding mode to routing, on line 245, so it looks like this:

    netctl --netmaster http://$netmaster:9999 global set --fwd-mode routing


Once all the changes are made, run the script with the same args as in the other blog, only we add the “-w routing” argument to cause L3 to be used. This uses the IP of the main interface on the master node (this node), and specifies the “b” interface.

cd ~/contiv/contiv-$VERSION
install/k8s/ -n -v b -w routing


Check that the new Contiv pods (contiv-api-proxy, contiv-etcd, contiv-netmaster, contiv-netplugin) are all running. You can check that the forwarding mode is set for routing:

netctl global info


Create A Network

For a network, I created a default network using a VXLAN:

netctl net create -t default --subnet= default-net


Add Other Nodes

Use the join command, saved from the init command output, to add in the other worker nodes. You should see a contiv-netplugin and kube-proxy pod running for each worker node added. From what I can see, kube-dns will have three of four pods running and will show liveliness/readiness failures. This is not currently used (and will be removed at some point, I guess), so can be ignored (or deleted).


Create BGP Neighbors

Next, we need to create BGP connections to each of the nodes with:

netctl bgp create devstack-77 --router-ip="" --as="65000" --neighbor-as="65000" --neighbor=""
netctl bgp create devstack-78 --router-ip="" --as="65000" --neighbor-as="65000" --neighbor=""
netctl bgp create devstack-71 --router-ip="" --as="65000" --neighbor-as="65000" --neighbor=""


Yeah, I have a host named devstack-71, that has a main interface with IP ending in .79. I chose to use the same numbering for the BGP interface (inb01) that is created. I’m using the one ToR switch’s IP address as the neighbor, for each of these connections. If it fails, things should failover to the other ToR. For the host side, I’m picking an IP on the 30.30.30.x net, not conflicting with the one created on the ‘b” interface.


Trying It Out

I created pods (NGINX with 4 replicas) and verified that the pods were created and that I could ping from pod to pod (across nodes). I also created a network with VLAN encapsulation, using:

netctl net create orange -s -g -e vlan


And then, to the labels section of the metadata section of the manifest for NGINX, I added the following to be able to use that network: orange


Note: for the pods created, I could ping between pods on the same node, but not pods on other nodes.

Update: I found out from the Contiv folks that the plugin doesn’t yet support virtual Port Channels for the uplink, that I’m using on the three node setup I have. As a result, if  a container hashed to the other ToR’s port channel interface, it could not communicate with containers connected to the other ToR.  I’ll need to retry, once support is available for vPCs. In the meantime, I just shut down the interfaces to nodes, on the other ToR switch.



Category: Kubernetes | Comments Off on Kubernetes and Contiv on Bare-Metal with L3/BGP
March 7

Kubernetes with Contiv plugin on bare-metal


I used three Cisco UCS systems for the basis of the Kubernetes cluster and followed the preparation and proxy steps in the blog to get the systems ready for use.

With that setup, the systems had a pair of VNIC interfaces (a0, a1), joined into a bonded interface (a), and an associated bridge (br_api) on the UCS. There are two physical interfaces that go to a pair of Top of Rack (ToR) set up as a port-channel, for connectivity between systems. It could have been done with a single interface, but that’s what I had already in the lab.

For Contiv, we want a second interface to use for the tenant network, so I modified the configuration of each of the three systems to add another pair of interfaces (t0,t1), and a master interface to bond them together (t). In the CIMC console for the UCS systems, I added another pair of VNICs, t0 and t1, selected trunk mode,  and made sure the MAC addresses matched the HWADDR in the /etc/sysconfig/network-scripts/ifcfg-t* files in CentOS.  Again, a single interface could be used, instead of a bonded pair like what I had.

Since this is a lab system that is behind a firewall, I modified the no_proxy entries in .bashrc on each node to use:

printf -v lan '%s,' ",,"
printf -v service '%s,' 10.254.0.{2..253}
export no_proxy=",${lan%,},${service%,},";


Effectively, all the IPs for the nodes (10.87.49.x) and the service subnet IPs ( – note smaller than default /16 subnet). In addition, on each system, I made sure there was an /etc/hosts entry for each of the three nodes I’m using.

Besides installing Kubernetes, I also installed “net-tools” on each node.


Kubernetes Startup

KubeAdm is used to startup the cluster with the IP of the name interface for this master node, forcing v1.4.7 Kubernetes, and using the default service CIDR, but with a smaller range (so that fewer no-proxy entries needed):

kubeadm init --api-advertise-addresses= --use-kubernetes-version v1.4.7 --service-cidr
kubectl taint nodes --all dedicated-
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide


Save the join command output, so that the worker nodes can be joined later.

All of the services should be up, except for DNS, which, since this first trial will use L2, this will be removed. We’ve removed the taint on this master node, so it too can be a worker.


Contiv Preparation

We’ll pull down the version of Contiv that we want to work with, and will run the script:

export VERSION=1.0.0-beta.3
curl -L -O$VERSION/contiv-$VERSION.tgz
tar xf contiv-$VERSION.tgz
cd contiv-$VERSION

./install/k8s/ -n -v t


This will use the node (the one I’m on and will use as the netmaster), and will use interface t (the tenant interface that I created above) for tenant interface. The script installs netctl in /usr/bin, so that it can be used for network management, and it builds a .contiv-yaml file in the directory and applies it to the cluster.

Note that there are now Contiv pods running, and the DNS pod is gone.


Trying It Out

On each of the worker nodes, run the join command. Verify on the master, that the nodes are ready (kubectl get nodes) and that a Contiv netplugin and proxy pods for each of the workers are running (kubectl get pods –all-namespaces). On the master, there should be kubernetes and kube-dns services running (kubectl get svc –all-namespaces).

Using netctl, create a default network using VXLAN. First must set an environment variable, so the netctl can communicate with the master:

netctl net create -t default --subnet= default-net


Next, create a manifest for some pods and apply them. I used nginx with four replicas, and verified that the pods were all running, dispersed over the three nodes, and all had IP addresses. I could ping from pod to pod, but not from node to pod (expected, as not supported at this time).

If desired, you can create a network using VLANs and then add a label “ network-name” to the manifest to create pods on that network. For example, I created a network with VLAN 3280 (which was an allowed VLAN on the ToR port-channel):

netctl network create --encap=vlan --pkt-tag=3280 --subnet= --gateway= vlan3280


Then, in the manifest, I added:

app: demo-labels vlan3280


Once the manifest is applied, the pods should come up and have IP addresses. You can docker exec into the pods and ping from pod to pod. As with VXLAN, I cannot ping from node to pod.

Note: I did have a case where pods on one of the nodes were not getting an IP address and were showing this error, when doing a “kubectl describe pod”:

  6m        1s      105 {kubelet devstack-77}           Warning     FailedSync  Error syncing pod, skipping: failed to "SetupNetwork" for "nginx-vlan-2501561640-f7vi1_default" with SetupNetworkError: "Failed to setup network for pod \"nginx-vlan-2501561640-f7vi1_default(68cd1fb3-0376-11e7-9c6d-003a7d69f73c)\" using network plugins \"cni\": Contiv:Post http://localhost/ContivCNI.AddPod: dial unix /run/contiv/contiv-cni.sock: connect: no such file or directory; Skipping pod"


It looks like there were OVS bridges hanging around from failed attempts. Contiv folks mentioned this pull request for the issue – Until this change is available, the contiv.yaml file can be modified to add the -x option. Just go to ~/contiv/contiv-$VERSION/install/k8s/contiv.yaml and add in the -x option for netplugin.

        - name: contiv-netplugin
          image: contiv/netplugin:__CONTIV_VERSION__
            - -pkubernetes
            - -x

Once this file is modified, then you can do the Contiv Preparation steps above and run the script with this change.


Update: I was using service CIDR of, but Contiv folks indicated that I should be using (I guess useful for Kubernetes services using service type ClusterIP). I updated this page, but haven’t retested – yet.


Category: Kubernetes | Comments Off on Kubernetes with Contiv plugin on bare-metal
February 22

IPv6 Multi-node On Bare-Metal

In a previous blog entry, I was able to bring up a cluster on a three node bare-metal setup (with Calico plugin), and then switch to IPv6 and create pods with IPv6 addresses. At the time, I just did a cursory check and, made sure I could ping the pod using its IPv6 address.

Well, the devil is in the details. When I checked multiple pods, I found a problem where I could not ping a pod from a different node, or ping pod to pod, when they are on different nodes.

Looking at the routing table, I was seeing that there was a route for each local pod on a node, using the cali interface. But, there were no routes to pods on other node (using the tunl0 interface), like I was seeing with IPv4:

IPv4: via dev tunl0  proto bird onlink
blackhole  proto bird dev calie572c5d95aa  scope link via dev tunl0  proto bird onlink


2001:2::a8ed:126:57ef:8680 dev calie9323554a97  metric 1024
2001:2::a8ed:126:57ef:8681 dev calid6195fe85f3  metric 1024
blackhole 2001:2::a8ed:126:57ef:8680/122 dev lo  proto bird  metric 1024  error -22


When checking “calicoctl node status” it showed IPv4 BGP peers, but no IPv6 BGP peers. I found that in calico.yaml, I needed to have this:

# Auto-detect the BGP IP address.
 - name: IP
 value: ""
 - name: IP6
 value: "autodetect"
 value: "first-found"


From what I understand, leaving IP value empty, means it will autodetect and use that IP. For IPv6 though, if IP6 is set to empty value or the key is missing, the IPv6 BGP is disabled.

Also, I was using the :latest label for CNI, calico-node, and calico-ctl images. Changed those to :master to get the recent changes.

Now, when nodes join, I see BGP peer entries for both IPv4 and IPv6:

Calico process is running.

IPv4 BGP status
| | node-to-node mesh | up | 21:07:06 | Established |
| | node-to-node mesh | up | 21:07:12 | Established |

IPv6 BGP status
| 2001:2::79 | node-to-node mesh | up | 21:07:06 | Established |
| 2001:2::78 | node-to-node mesh | up | 21:07:12 | Established |


I proceeded to create three pods using IPv4. I could ping from one host to each pod, and from one pod, to the other two pods on different nodes. Each host had routes like these: dev cali812c8ee8317 scope link via dev tunl0 proto bird onlink via dev tunl0 proto bird onlink


Next, I switched to IPv6 (enabled in 10-calico.conf on each node, and added IPv6 pool on master node) and create three more pods. Had an issue, as master node had old docker image for CNI, which didn’t have latest fixes. Ended up deleting the image, redeploying CNI, and then deleting and recreating pods.  See routes like this now:

2001:2::6d47:e62d:8139:d1e9 dev calicc4563e7a35 metric 1024
blackhole 2001:2::6d47:e62d:8139:d1c0/122 dev lo proto bird metric 1024 error -22
2001:2::8f3a:d659:6d15:1880/122 via 2001:2::79 dev br_api proto bird metric 1024
2001:2::a8ed:126:57ef:8680/122 via 2001:2::78 dev br_api proto bird metric 1024


Where br_api is my main interface (a bridge for a bonded interface). I’m able to ping from host to pod and pod to pod across hosts.

Note: this was not working for one of the pods, and the packet was not getting past the cali interface on that pod. I checked and on that node, forwarding was disabled (not sure why). I did the following, and now pings work:

sysctl net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding=1


Not sure how to persist this (don’t see it in /etc/sysctl.conf  or /etc/sysctl.d/* on any system).

Another curious thing. When I was checking tcpdump to trace the ICMP packets, I was seeing these type messages:

13:42:15.649100 IP6 (class 0xc0, hlim 64, next-header TCP (6) payload length: 51) devstack-77.56087 > 2001:2::79.bgp: Flags [P.], cksum 0x412f (incorrect -> 0x382c), seq 342:361, ack 343, win 242, options [nop,nop,TS val 63676370 ecr 63075039], length 19: BGP, length: 19
 Keepalive Message (4), length: 19
13:42:15.649199 IP6 (class 0xc0, hlim 64, next-header TCP (6) payload length: 32) 2001:2::79.bgp > devstack-77.56087: Flags [.], cksum 0xa391 (correct), seq 343, ack 361, win 240, options [nop,nop,TS val 63114134 ecr 63676370], length 0


Wondering why the (BGP?) packet from devstack-77 system has an incorrect checksum, but don’t see that in response. I see the same thing on other nodes, again, only with responses from devstack-77:

13:44:08.682811 IP6 (class 0xc0, hlim 64, next-header TCP (6) payload length: 51) 2001:2::78.bgp > devstack-71.33001: Flags [P.], cksum 0xfef8 (correct), seq 343:362, ack 342, win 240, options [nop,nop,TS val 63182410 ecr 63183301], length 19: BGP, length: 19
 Keepalive Message (4), length: 19
13:44:08.682864 IP6 (class 0xc0, hlim 64, next-header TCP (6) payload length: 32) devstack-71.33001 > 2001:2::78.bgp: Flags [.], cksum 0x411d (incorrect -> 0x5ab3), seq 342, ack 362, win 242, options [nop,nop,TS val 63226403 ecr 63182410], length 0


In any case, it looks like IPv6 communication is working! For reference, here is the calico.yaml file used: calico.yaml





Category: Kubernetes | Comments Off on IPv6 Multi-node On Bare-Metal
February 17

Kubernetes/Calico plugin with IPv6 on bare-metal

Documenting a setup for investigating Kubernetes with IPv6 in a lab environment. This builds off of notes for using KubeAdm for Kubernetes with Calico plugin on a bare-metal system, which is behind a firewall in a lab (…-behind-firewall).

These notes should work for Ubuntu 16.04, in addition to CentOS, which was what was used in that blog.


In the prior blog, the no-proxy environment variable was setup and the cluster was initialized using an alternate subnet (10.20.30.x/24). Later, i found that it is easier to use the original subnet and just reduce the size. I used the alternative setup, added to that blog as an update.

When trying to switch to IPv6, you’ll need the calicoctl command. The easiest way is to install the calicoctl binary (as root):

curl -L --silent -o /usr/local/bin/calicoctl
chmod +x /usr/local/bin/calicoctl

Otherwise, you can install go, pull the sources, build and install calicoctl (see end of blog for details).

Starting Up the Cluster

When the cluster is initialized, you can use:

kubeadm init --api-advertise-addresses= --service-cidr=


Before applying the calico.yaml, there are additional changes needed. As mentioned in the other blog, the etcd_endpoints and ippool need to be modified. Beyond that, you need to make sure that you have the CNI code with the fix from commit b8fc5928 (merged 2/16/2017), which fixes issue #273. I did that by changing the CNI image line:



This fixes a problem where some kernels were not honoring the FlagUp option, when creating the veth interfaces.

From this point on, you can apply calico.yaml, and then follow the steps in under “Reconfiguring for IPv6” to enable Ipv6 for future pod creation. Remember to use  “kubectl get svc –all-namespace” to obtain the IP and port for etcd and set the ETCD_ENDPOINTS environment variable, as the calicoctl command will work without this, but will not be accessing the correct key-store entries.


In the pod, I see these interfaces:

1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1
 link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
 inet scope host lo
 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
 inet6 ::1/128 scope host
 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: tunl0@NONE: <NOARP> mtu 1480 qdisc noop state DOWN group default qlen 1
 link/ipip brd
4: eth0@if22: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP group default
 link/ether 6a:76:fc:00:4b:cc brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
 inet6 2001:2::6d47:e62d:8139:d1c0/128 scope global
 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
 inet6 fe80::6876:fcff:fe00:4bcc/64 scope link
 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

There are these routes:

2001:2::6d47:e62d:8139:d1c0 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256
fe80::/64 dev eth0 proto kernel metric 256
default via fe80::c8e9:11ff:fe2c:c809 dev eth0 metric 1024

On the host, there is this related IP address:

22: cali1500372f1da@if4: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc noqueue state UP
 link/ether ca:e9:11:2c:c8:09 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netnsid 3
 inet6 fe80::c8e9:11ff:fe2c:c809/64 scope link
 valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever

With these related routes:

2001:2::6d47:e62d:8139:d1c0 dev cali1500372f1da metric 1024
blackhole 2001:2::6d47:e62d:8139:d1c0/122 dev lo proto bird metric 1024 error -22

I did see one system where I could not ping between pods or pod and host, with IPv6 addresses. What I noticed was that, on that system, the cali# interfaces created, although up, did not have a Link Local Address. The pod, had a route to a LLA, which on another system (that worked), it was for the cali# interface. Need to investigate what is wrong on this system.

Manually Building Calicoctl

IF you want to do this the hard way, you can manually build and install the calicoctl tool. First I installed Go on the system:

curl -O

tar -xvf go1.7.4.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo mv go /usr/local

In ~/.bashrc add:

export PATH=/usr/local/go/bin:$PATH

To use,  set GOPATH to the top of a work area for source and add it to the path in your .bashrc file (and re-source it so that your environment is up to date):

export GOPATH=$HOME/go
export PATH=$PATH:$GOPATH/bin

Now, calicoctl can be installed (detailed instructions Here is a summary of the steps:

mkdir -p ~/go/src/
git clone $GOPATH/src/

Install glide:

mkdir $GOPATH/bin
curl | sh
cd ~/go/src/
glide install -strip-vendor
make binary
go build src/
mv calicoctl bin/
sudo cp bin/calicoctl /usr/local/bin
sudo chmod 755 /usr/local/bin/calicoctl


Category: Kubernetes | Comments Off on Kubernetes/Calico plugin with IPv6 on bare-metal
February 14

Kubernetes on a lab system behind firewall

After numerous tries, I think I finally came across a setup that will allow me to run Kubernetes (via KubeAdm), using the Calico plugin, and a bare metal system, that is behind a firewall and needed proxy to access the outside. This blog describes the process I used to get this to work.

Preparation for CentOS

On the bare metal system (a Cisco UCS), running CentOS 7.3, the needed packages need to be installed. First, is to update with the kubernetes repo:

cat <<EOF > /etc/yum.repos.d/kubernetes.repo

I ran “yum update -y” to update the system. Next, the packages need to be installed. Note: I had set up this system weeks before, so hopefully I’ve captured all the steps (if not, let me know):

setenforce 0
yum install -y docker kubelet kubeadm kubectl kubernetes-cni

I did recall at one point of hitting a conflict with the docker install, with what was on the system (maybe from mucking around on this system installing things before). In any case, make sure docker is installed and working. In my system, “docker version” shows 1.13. You may want to check “docker version” first, and if already installed, skip trying to reinstall.

Preparation for Ubuntu 16.04

For Ubuntu, the Kubernetes repo needs to be added along with keys, and then everything installed.

sudo su
curl -s | apt-key add -
echo deb kubernetes-xenial main >> /etc/apt/sources.list.d/kubernetes.list
apt-get update -y
apt-get install -y kubelet kubeadm kubectl kubernetes-cni

Proxy Setup

With everything installed (I hope :)), I next set the proxy up with http_proxy and https_proxy (lower and uppercase environment variables) pointing to the proxy server, and no_proxy set to IPs that should not go through the proxy server. For this system, no_proxy had the host IP,, and then the IPs for the IPv4 pool and IPs for the service IPs. The defaults use large subnets, so I reduced these to help make the no-proxy setting more manageable.

For the IPv4 pool, I’m using (reduced size from default), and for the service IP subnet, I’m using (instead of I used these lines in .bashrc to create the no_proxy setting:

printf -v lan '%s,'
printf -v pool '%s,' 192.168.0.{1..253}
printf -v service '%s,' 10.20.30.{1..253}
export no_proxy=",${lan%,},${service%,},${pool%,},";
export NO_PROXY=$no_proxy

Make sure you’ve got these environment variables sourced.

Update: Alternative Proxy Setup

You can keep the default IP in 10-kubeadm.conf, and instead use “–service-cidr=” on the kubeadm init line, to reduce the size of the subnet.

In the .bashrc file, use this for service pool:

printf -v lan '%s,'
printf -v pool '%s,' 192.168.0.{1..253}
printf -v service '%s,' 10.96.0.{1..253}
export no_proxy=",${lan%,},${service%,},${pool%,},";
export NO_PROXY=$no_proxy

Calico.yaml Configuration

Obtain the latest calico.yaml (I used this one from a tutorial – – commit a10bfd1d, but you may have success with, I just haven’t tried it, or sorted out the differences).

Two changes are needed to this file. The etcd_endpoints needs to specify the host IP, and the ippool cidr should be changed from /16 to /24, so that we have a manageable number of no_proxy entries.

Since we are changing the default subnet for services, I changed /etc/systemd/system/kubelet.service.d/10-kubeadm.conf to use for cluster-dns arg of KUBELET_DNS_ARGS environment setting. Be sure to restart the systemd service (systemctl daemon-reexec) after making this change. Otherwise, when you start up the cluster, the services will show the new 10.20.30.x IP addresses, but the kubelet process will still have the default –cluster-dns value of This threw me for a while, until Ghe Rivero mentioned this on the KubeAdm slack channel (thanks!).

Update: If you stick with for cluster-dns, you don’t need to change 10-kubeadm.conf (skip the previous paragraph).

Are We There Yet?

Hopefully, I have everything prepared (I’ll know next time I try to set up from scratch). If so, here are the steps used to start things up (as root user!):

kubeadm init --api-advertise-addresses= --service-cidr=

Update: If you use the alternative method for service subnet, you’ll use –service-cidr=, and the IPs will be difference in “kubectl get svc” command below.

This will display the kubeadm join command, for other nodes to be added to  cluster (I haven’t tried that yet for this setup).

kubectl taint nodes --all dedicated-
kubectl apply -f calico.yaml
kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide

At this point (after some time), you should be able to see that all the pods are up, and have and IP address of the host, except for the DNS pod, which will have an IP from the pool:

[root@bxb-ds-52 calico]# kubectl get pods --all-namespaces -o wide
NAMESPACE     NAME                                        READY     STATUS    RESTARTS   AGE       IP              NODE
kube-system   calico-etcd-wk533                           1/1       Running   0          7m     bxb-ds-52
kube-system   calico-node-qxh84                           2/2       Running   0          7m     bxb-ds-52
kube-system   calico-policy-controller-2087702136-n19jf   1/1       Running   0          7m     bxb-ds-52
kube-system   dummy-2088944543-3sdlj                      1/1       Running   0          31m     bxb-ds-52
kube-system   etcd-bxb-ds-52                              1/1       Running   0          31m     bxb-ds-52
kube-system   kube-apiserver-bxb-ds-52                    1/1       Running   0          31m     bxb-ds-52
kube-system   kube-controller-manager-bxb-ds-52           1/1       Running   0          31m     bxb-ds-52
kube-system   kube-discovery-1769846148-lb51s             1/1       Running   0          31m     bxb-ds-52
kube-system   kube-dns-2924299975-c95bg                   4/4       Running   0          31m   bxb-ds-52
kube-system   kube-proxy-n0pld                            1/1       Running   0          31m     bxb-ds-52
kube-system   kube-scheduler-bxb-ds-52                    1/1       Running   0          31m     bxb-ds-52

You can also check that the services are in the service pool defined:

[root@bxb-ds-52 calico]# kubectl get svc --all-namespaces -o wide

default       kubernetes    <none>        443/TCP         32m       <none>
kube-system   calico-etcd    <nodes>       6666/TCP        8m        k8s-app=calico-etcd
kube-system   kube-dns   <none>        53/UDP,53/TCP   31m       name=kube-dns

Now, you should be able to use kubectl to apply manifests for containers (I did one with NGINX), and verify that the container can ping other containers, the host, and other nodes on the host’s network.

What’s Next

I want to try to…

  • Joining a second node and see if containers are placed there correctly.
  • Retrying this process from scratch, to make sure this blog reported all the steps.


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